What do you do. . . .

On a gorgeous Friday morning, when you have the park ALL to yourself?

Everything, of course!

This is exactly the situation that Ella and I found ourselves in this past Friday (Ella’s 19 month Birthday! Crazy!!!) and that girl did EVERYTHING!
She played on this thing (?????)

Until Mommy saw this warning. . .

This one is over wood chips, but still, this just didn’t seem suitable for a 19 month old! Ha!
She then climbed the wonky stairs (yes, I say wonky) all by herself to get to the slide! Repeatedly!

She took a break from playing to take pictures of herself!

We were then off to stand on the teeter totter thingy.

Drove the fire truck (I love how she mummbles to herself while playing)
She swung on the “big girl” swings
And  played with the “baby swings” (OMG, so stinking cute!)
All in all we had an awesome day!

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